Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions about eDiscovery Assistant


eDA is the only ediscovery case law database and resource center for attorneys and legal professionals. Designed by practicing ediscovery attorneys, eDA curates ediscovery case law, rules, checklists, forms and a learning center that deliver on-demand, practical knowledge to give litigators and the professionals that support them the ability to get up to speed quickly and credibly.

Constantly changing rules and developing case law make being on top of changes in the law very difficult. eDiscovery Assistant puts ediscovery case law in one place and let’s you find decisions in a few clicks vs. a few hours. No other platform has tagged decisions by ediscovery issue, that are searchable by judge and organized to the district court level. Imagine knowing how your judge will rule on an issue in three clicks. That’s what eDiscovery Assistant brings.

eDiscovery Assistant curates its data from more than 40 sources. Case law decisions are manually reviewed by our team and tagged using our proprietary system of ediscovery issues so users find cases in a few clicks versus hours of research.
Our case law team updates case law five days a week so decisions are tagged and available within a few days of publication.
eDiscovery Assistant does not currently include the ability to Shepardize decisions by comparing the subsequent treatment of a decision in one case to a decision in a separate case. eDiscovery Assistant does include subsequent rulings in a matter, such that if a Magistrate’s Order is appealed to the District Judge under Rule 72, or the matter goes up on appeal to a higher court at either the state or federal level, that decision can be reviewed in the Additional Decisions that appear on the left frame of the page of the decision in question to determine whether the underlying ruling stands. Users can also search for subsequent citing of a decision by putting the cite in quotes (e.g. “221 F.3d 346”) in the Search Term field to view how other courts have considered the decision.
Our users range from solo practitioners to the top law firms in the world, in-house counsel to ediscovery consultants at service providers, to paralegals and litigation support professionals. Anyone who touches the ediscovery process will benefit from the resources included in eDiscovery Assistant.

Kelly Twigger, the Principal at ESI Attorneys and a nationally known ediscovery attorney, author, and speaker, built eDiscovery Assistant for the firm’s practice and made it available commercially after requests from colleagues and practitioners. Mrs. Twigger is also an ediscovery columnist for Above the Law, co-author of Electronic Discovery and Records and Information Management, A Guide published annually by West, and a recognized expert in electronic discovery.

eDiscovery Assistant’s team consists of ediscovery attorneys and professionals that build tools in eDiscovery Assistant to help litigators trying to balance knowing ediscovery with their litigation practice.

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eDiscovery Assistant is now:

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We're on a mission to revolutionize how lawyers approach ESI — transforming legal discovery through smarter technology and sharper insights. Inspired by Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategy, our platform enables litigators to act decisively, strategically, and confidently. We're redefining discovery, enabling you not just to keep up, but to take charge.